Thursday, August 23, 2007


I was due to have more bloodwork done just before I went on vacation last week to see how my prolactin level was doing since being on this new medication. I debated whether or not to go before I left town or wait until I came home... I didn't really want a call from my Dr. to ruin my time in Kansas. I did end up having it done the day before I left, and I'm glad I did. My Dr.'s nurse called to let me know that my prolactin level has dropped 12 points to 160.7... YEE HAW!! It's a small decrease and I still have a long ways to go (she wants it between 18 and 21), but it's the first time in a long time that the level has gone down instead of up, so I'm really excited! The bad news is that she has upped the dosage on my new meds... I'm not looking forward to that. It's nasty stuff and it's going to take a few weeks to get through the initial side effects from the increase. But, if it's doing the trick, I'm all for it! I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!!

Another bit of exciting news is that I've applied to go back to school! I've wanted to finish my bachelor's degree for a long time and with my work schedule changing in October, I finally have the opportunity. I'm scared out of my mind, and I have no idea how I'm going to pull it all off. But, like Steve told me last night... waiting isn't going to make it any cheaper or any less scary. My advisor is in the process of getting all my transcripts together to find out how many of my previously completed credits will transfer so that she can map everything out for me. The program I'll be working on is a Business Management program and classes meet one night a week. Hopefully in 1 1/2-2 years, I'll be done! It will be really nice to have that piece of paper under my belt. It's been a weight on my shoulders for a long time and having it done will open a lot of doors for me within my company. It's going to take a lot of work though, so wish me luck!!


Melis said...

YAY!!! I'm so glad your prolactin levels are down some. Just keep chipping away at them. It's so great to get some good news. Keep positive. You'll get to that 18-21 mark. I admire your bravery in going back to school. I've often thought of it and don't have what it takes at this point. Congratulations and Good Luck!

MrNacho97 said...


TAKE ME HOME......................

Heard it again on the radio TODAY... How's that for good karma?

Congrats to you!