Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Turning a New Leaf

For some reason, I feel like today is a "New Day" of sorts for me. I'm not really sure what my deal is, but I'm jumping into a lot of new things in my life and I'm really excited about it.

As I said in my last post... I plan to be back in school by the end of October. My advisor is gathering my transcripts, I'm applying for financial aid (my favorite part of the whole college experience!), and I'm filling out my paperwork for the tuition assistance program here at work. I feel like the ball is finally rolling and I'm ready to get it done!

I also put in my application for a promotion at work. I am a Senior Dispatcher now with NetJets and I've applied to become a Lead Dispatcher. I have 6 classes to complete, I'll have 18 hours of additional shadowing to do with different departments within the company, and at the end of all that I get to take a 4 hour oral exam. It will be a good step up for me though and will open a few doors within the company. I didn't really think I was ready for it, but today I just said, "What the heck!" The worst that can happen is that I'm turned down. In that case, I'll have to work on whatever they want me to improve on and apply again in a couple of months. I'm keeping my fingers crossed though!

I also called today and talked with the volunteer coordinator at our local Ronald McDonald House and have applied to become a volunteer. I am on an Events Planning Committee at work and we've worked really hard in recent months to plan events that will raise money and donations for the House. It's a lot of work but it's very rewarding and I thought it would be fun to spend a few hours of my own time volunteering there. I took a tour of the House back in March when we started working with them and it's an absolutely AMAZING place! I was speechless when I left, and all I could do for the next few days was try to think of ways to help. It's such a happy place... even though many of the families staying there are living out their worst nightmares. I think it will be a great way for me to give a little bit back and to remind me of how lucky I am.

All in all, I think I've finally just decided to be a little more confident in myself and to stop making excuses for things. School is going to be tough, but I know I can do it! My promotion is definitely going to be a challenge, but with a little bit of work, I know I'll get there! I guess I'm just at another point in my life where I'm jumping in with both feet and hoping for the best... I know it will all work out.


Dustin said...

I am so proud of you Sister!!! I know you will do great at anything you put your mind to. I know it may be difficult at times with all your new ambitions but I believe the end results will be well worth all the effort!

Melis said...

You go girl!!! You can do it! Good luck with all of it. I really wish you the best.