In addition to my "Bucket List", I have a long list of places I'd like to travel to while I'm still here. Dustin and I kindof started this list together when we lived in Tucson. We sat down one night and tried to think of all the places we wanted to go. I think #1 on our list at the time was Hershey, PA! Not surprising... what 19 year old girl wouldn't love a trip to the hometown of Hershey Kisses???
I realize I'd probably be the youngest person on the boat, but so be it. I respect my elders!
I have an incurable fascination for BIG trees... It's in my blood.

I really want to know how they built this city on water!

Again... I think the trees are calling to me!
9 - Ireland: Castles... I want to see some castles!! Maybe a round of golf and a trip to an Irish pub...

And I'd do just about anything for a helicopter tour!
My traveling list is also plenty long (I do want to make a stop in all 50 states, eventually), but I've put together a "short list" of the top 10 places I want to go. As of now, I want to visit (in no particular order)...
1 - Alaska: If I had the chance to go on a cruise... This is where I would go. It looks so beautiful!

2 - Northern, CA: From San Francisco all the way up to the Redwoods in Humboldt County. I'm all for a day on the beach in the southern part of California, but as a logger's daughter, I'm all about the trees!

3 - Boston, Mass.: From the Freedom Trail to the fabulous seafood to whale watching (something that's on my Bucket List)... How could I go wrong with a trip to Beantown?

And as someone who can't stand the New York Yankees, I'd love to catch a Boston Red Sox game!
4 - Venice, Italy: My mom has been to Venice... I've seen the pictures... what more can I say?

5 - Paris, France: Although I've heard that the people aren't the nicest, I'd still LOVE to see Paris. I like to take a stroll along the Seine... Take a tour of the Louvre...

And what girl wouldn't want to see this! (Sigh....)
6 - Missoula, MT: Dustin is probably going to laugh at this one, but I can't help it. Ever since seeing "A River Runs Through It" years ago, I have wanted to visit Missoula, MT and learn to fly fish.

I think a pair of rubber waders would suit me well!
7 - Turtle Island, Fiji: Forget Hawaii! This would be my private island getaway of choice if I came across a small fortune any time in the near future.

Plus, it's named after turtles... Count me in!
8 - Aspen, CO: My brother and I drove through the area with my mom once as kids, and I still remember how gorgeous it was. I'd love to check out the local shops and maybe spend a day on the slopes.

9 - Ireland: Castles... I want to see some castles!! Maybe a round of golf and a trip to an Irish pub...

Oh yeah... Did I meantion there were CASTLES?!?!
10 - Niagara Falls: There's a casino... a Butterfly Conservatory... The Skylon Tower...

There you have it... My short list of Adventurous In-10-tions! Let the packing (and lottery winning) begin!!
I totally remember making our list!! We really should pick a place and take a girls trip like every other year...maybe start next year! Montana here we come!!
You just made me want a vacation sooo bad! What beautiful pictures! Can't wait til you visit AZ!! I hope I can catch a visit with you!
Those sound like great places to visit to me too. Such beautiful pictures.
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