Sunday, February 24, 2008

An interesting drive home...

I got off work at 4:00 this afternoon. It had been a long and busy day, but a relatively good one compared to the previous two. I wrapped up my end-of-the-day paperwork, hopped into my frozen car, and started my routine and usually uneventful drive home... Yee haw!!

As I'm driving north on one of the surface streets, I came to a red light... I stopped. This light is always a really long one, so I just put my head back and relaxed for a few seconds. The next thing I know... The car in the lane next to me (which happened to be filled with 3 rather large African American women who were laughing like hyenas) started honking like you wouldn't believe. I looked over to see what was so funny and absolutely could not believe my eyes...

A thin, pale white man, with long, frizzy red hair (balding on top) was running from east to west across the crosswalk in front of us. What's so odd about this, you ask???... I'll tell you. This freakishly white man was running (happily it seemed) across the street wearing nothing but a pair of saggy tighty-whities and some purple striped tube socks! No shoes, no pants, no shirt, no coat... NADA!! Zip, zero, zilch. I was STUNNED!!! It's about 25 degrees here today, snow on the ground, and this dude was running as if he were out for a leasurely summer jog.

Being the picture lover that I am...I immediately reached for my phone to try and capture this moment in time. But, by the time I dug my phone out of the bag-o-crap that is my purse, Mr. Fruit of the Loom was too far away. However... I did notice that two of the three ladies in the car next to me had their phones held up high trying to capture forever this unbelievable Kodak moment. The third lady??... Well, she was hanging half way out the back driver's side window yelling "Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!!".

What an interesting, interesting drive home.


Dustin said...

I hate when I have to dig in my purse to find anything when I'm in a hurry!! I would have loved to see that picture!!

Melis said...

That is definitely something I have never witnessed. It's hilarious! Thanks for sharing. I'll be picturing that and laughing all day. Thanks again.

Mandy said...

Lucky you!! At least if you were having bad day it got a little better!