Sunday, October 28, 2007

And the Winner Is....

Last night was our friend Chas's annual Halloween party... It was SOOO much fun!! There were a bunch of people there, tons of food, and a lot of really great costumes. Chas totally out did himself this year... as he does every year!

I spent a couple of days this week trying to find something that I could use to make Beth's "girls". I bought the biggest bra I could find and tried stuffing it, but that didn't look right. I got a couple of styrofoam balls at Michael's, but those things HURT!! I didn't know what to do. Steve and I went to Meijer the other night to look and we found exactly what I needed... 2 large foam Nerf balls! They were perfect!!

I got off work at 4:00 yesterday Steve was done at 5:00. We met up at my place to get everything ready before going to Chas's house. I think Steve had it pretty easy. All he had to do was throw on some clothes, a wig, and some sunglasses and he was pretty much good to go. I on the other hand had to put on a boatload of make-up, wiggle into a pair of fishnets, zip on the "hooker boots", glue on some fingernails (which Steve had to help with), and somehow attach a couple of Nerf balls to my chest. It really took some work!! After about an hour and a half... we were ready to go!

Like I said, Chas goes all out for Hallween each year. His basement looked like a morgue... body parts laying on the floor, disected people laying on tables, etc. It was completely disgusting and really cool all at the same time. He also had all kinds of food and drinks for everyone, games and movies set up, and prizes for the costume contest.

For the costume contest, everyone was asked to vote for Scariest, Funniest, Cutest, and Best costumes. The award for Scariest went to fellow dispatcher Robin Seib who was dressed as famous porn star Ron Jeremy. His costume was hilarious and revolting! Cutest costume went to another dispatcher friend of ours Matt Witherspoon and his wife Heather who came as Shaggy and Scooby Doo. Funniest costume went to my friend Ilene Onieal and her husband James who came as the comic strip characters Beaker and Bunson. And Best costume went to......... drumroll, please ......... "Dog" the Bounty Hunter and Beth! WE WON!!!

Steve and I won a $25 gift certificate to Damon's, so we'll probably be heading out for dinner sometime in the near future!

All-in-all, it was a great night. We had a really fun time at the party, the "girls" got all kinds of compliments and inappropriate squeezes, and everyone loved Steve's hair (except Steve). We had a great time and we're already looking forward to next year's party!!


Dustin said...

You guys look great! The "girls" are huge!! Sounds like you guys had a great time!!

Melis said...

va-va-voom!!! Wow, those "girls" are unreal (literally). It sounds like a lot of fun. I've never seen the show, but checked out the website. You look true to your characters. Very good job in putting those costumes together. Congratulations on your night out. Make it a good one. See ya at the baby shower!