Friday, June 27, 2008




I am: SOOOO happy to be back in Ohio! 11 hours in a car is rough!!
I think: Um... No I don't.
I know: That I have the most amazing boyfriend in the world!
I want: Steve to come home from Dayton... I haven't seen him for a week!
I have: To un-pack. YUCK!!
I wish: I knew what my future had in store for me... kinda.
I hate: Spiders. I seriously have no idea why they were ever invented!
I miss: Dust-a-roonie! We need to get together again SOON!!!!
I fear: Losing someone that I love.
I feel: Like I've finally figured out who I am.
I hear: Cookie snoring. She's had a long day.
I smell: Rain.
I crave: Diet Coke.
I search: For my remote control...
I wonder: Where I'm going to be in 5 years.
I regret: Some of the not-so-smart decisions I have made.
I love: Steve!
I care: About what people think of me... probably too much.
I always: Have to have lip stuff!
I am not: A very good kickball player.
I believe: That everything happens for a reason.
I dance: At weddings!... A LOT!!!
I sing: In the car all the time!
I dont always: Do what I'm supposed to, when I'm supposed to. I'm the world's greatest procrastinator.
I fight: The tumor that has taken up residence in my brain.
I write: Letters to people that I never send.
I lose: Sun glasses... ALL THE TIME!
I win: Rarely. But I'm a kick-a$$ loser!! :o)
I never: Thought I would be where I am today.
I listen: To any type of music other than rap.
I can usually be found: At work, or hanging out with Steve and the Monster.
I am scared: Of heights. I prefer my feet planted on the ground.
I need: To be better about staying in contact with my friends.
I am happy that: I only have one more day until I see Steve!
I tag: Anyone reading this who wants to play along!

1 comment:

Karalea-Karalea said...

No rap...haha. Wasn't that Eric's fav back in the day? Or still? Haha.